TdW 2024 change to plans
19. August 2024
For TdW 2024, we will repeat last year's event. The changes we originally had planned will be aimed to be introduced in TdW 2025.

Zusammenarbeit mit Lichterkette / Charity Cooperation with Lichterkette
31. March 2024
Exercise, sport and nature are important cornerstones of mental health and with Tour durch Wien we want to make a contribution to destigmatizing mental illnesses and support the association "Lichterkette". --- Bewegung, Sport und Natur sind wichtige Grundpfeiler der psychischen Gesundheit und mit Tour durch Wien wollen wir einen Beitrag zur Entstigmatisierung psychischer Erkrankungen leisten und unterstützen den Verein „Lichterkette“.

TdW 2024 Verschoben
26. March 2024
Leider mussten wir die schwierige Entscheidung treffen, die TdW 2024 zu verschieben. Jedes Jahr bemühen wir uns für euch einen qualitativ hochwertigen Event zu organisieren. Aufgrund einiger organisatorischer Hürden können wir diese Qualität jedoch nicht in der kurzen Zeit bis zum Start sicherstellen. Das sind enttäuschende Neuigkeiten für euch und uns, aber wir möchten sicherstellen den Event wie gewohnt durchzuführen. Wir entschuldigen uns aufrichtig bei allen. Wir freuen uns auf Herbst 2024.

TdW 2024 postponed
26. March 2024
Sadly, we have had to make the difficult decision to postpone TdW 2024. Every year we strive to provide a quality event for you, but unfortunately this time we came across too many setbacks which threw into doubt whether we could produce the quality event we expect within the timescale remaining until the start. This is disappointing news for you and us, but we didn't want to disappoint you during the event with the risk of a slightly below standard service. Our sincerest apologies to everyone.

Fancy a free beer?
18. August 2021
We've been lucky to receive further support with our event from a Viennesse local who is brewing beer for leisure, and has offered 60 bottles of their fine beer for the Tour durch Wien competitors after the event at the awards ceremony. After thousands of metres climbing, hundreds of kilometres cycling in the saddle, that is something to really look forward to at the finish line! More updates to follow.

Tour durch Wien Blog
18. August 2021
This is our blog. It's aim is to post updates or announcements before, during and after the event. It's easily accessible through our website, or use the following link to go their directly.