About the Tour

Founded in 2020, the Tour durch Wien idea came about from the delayed start of the Tour de France due to COVID-19. For no real reason, the question "why isn't there a multi-stage event in or around Vienna?" That question then changed into "is it possible to make such an event around Vienna?" The question then had to be answered, with plans and idea's starting to formulate.

  • Where could the stages be?
  • Could we ride at night?
  • How can it be made accessible to the many, but still be fair?
  • How can it accommodate many different lifestyles?
  • Could this event be COVID-19 proof?
  • How can cheating be prevented?

The last question was, could the event be organised in four weeks time for the beginning of September 2020?

Although somewhat chaotic getting organised, the first edition of Tour durch Wien was a success. Small in numbers, but thoroughly enjoyed by the participants. New rivalries and friendships were born, and there was no doubt that this concept had potential. Another Tour durch Wien had to be planned, but this time with more time and more help. Welcome Tour durch Wien v2.0.

TdW v2.0 was a significant transformation - using the whole of the winter to anaylise and assess areas of weakness, how to improve racing safely, course improvements, social responsibility of fundraising, awarding cycle related winners prizes and much more. The Fantasy Cycle League was introduced - a way for non-competitors to stay engaged in the TdW competition, but without competing in the event. TdW v2.0 gained significant interest, with our target registrations easily being met with 3 weeks remaining until the start. TdW v2.0 went well, lots of positive feedback, and now all the effort put in becomes satisfying. So much so, that we had to follow up with another one 5 months later.


With TdW 2021, we made it bigger and better, with 12 stages (up from 10), three completely new courses added and vast changes to previous courses, with two stages even being reversed. We listened to feedback and aimed to make it safer, with less cobbles and more stage variety. A team of volunteer Test Riders were recruited from v2.0, and they helped by test riding short segments across Vienna for potential new courses for TdW 2021. This was invaluable help and there service was gratefully rewarded. As a result, the stages got positive feedback by many which added to the success of the whole event. TdW 2021 drew to a close in mid-October.

Charity Cooperation with Lichterkette

Exercise, sport and nature are important cornerstones of mental health. With Tour durch Wien, we not only want to create an experience for the participants, but also make a contribution to destigmatizing mental illnesses. That's why we cooperate with the Lichterkette association. At least 20% of the earnings from donations and participation fees for Tour durch Wien goes to this association.


Lichterkette supports the destigmatization of mental illnesses at various levels - including training, political work to influence conditions and support for projects to help people with mental illness. You can find out more about Lichterkette’s work at www.lichterkette.at

The Team

Barry Hooper

Founder of Tour durch Wien

Four years as a professional cricket player

Background in fitness and sport, psychiatry and exercise for special populations

Store Manager at Vienna Explorer Day Tours


Having grown up with a strong sporting background in the UK, and playing cricket at a professional level, leaving this behind and retiring from the sports of my greatest strength was difficult. Having migrated to Austria in late 2015, I found a new sport in road cycling which had me fascinated. I competed in my first bike race in 2018 in Hungary, a 200km race around lake Balaton (which I suffered heavily with cramp after 50km), to then complete a more manageable 80km Badener Radmarathon later in the year (pictured). Like with most enthusiasts, maintaining and upgrading my bike became fun and somewhat obsessive.
My most memorable Grand Tour moment was Giro 2018 - this was the first I'd watched with interest. Watching Simon Yates on form for two and a half weeks while Chris Froome was crashing and struggling. Then Yates finally succumbing to fatigue, and Froome going solo on Stage 19 with 80km still to ride to finally take the pink jersey - what a way to win your first Giro.

My goals for Tour durch Wien is to make it a popular rider event for everyone. I want people to participate as a way to improve their fitness, their physical and mental health and to socially integrate with other like-minded people. I'm a strong believer of exercise as a therapy for physical and mental health, therefore I will always encourage such initiatives.

Niklas Brantner

TdW Logo Design/Artwork

Bike Tour Guide 


I was very sporty from childhood onward and was active in orienteering for many years, participating in the youth and junior national squads, and finally a year as an Austrian army athlete. After that I started my studies and lost touch with the elite squad. Since I've never owned a car, commuting by bike has always been part of my everyday life.


Thereafter I bought my own competitive racing bike, with what had previously only been a recreational sport, quickly developed into a whole new enthusiasm for professional cycling. I got myself an amateur license with the goal of becoming an elite cyclist. Soon, I was training more hours on the bike than I was running during my best time as an orienteer.


I met Barry through my work as a bike courier and was excited by his idea of organising a multi-stage race in Vienna and wanted to be a part of it. The first Tour durch Wien was my first competitive experience outside of running. Many more bike races followed, and now I can proudly call myself a two-time winner of the Tour durch Wien.


With my self-taught experience in logo design, it was a pleasure to create the logo design and artwork for the Tour durch Wien.

Hashim Mubarak

TdW Social Media Management



I've done sports all my life, but mostly martial arts and not cycling. I used to do racing with motorcycles and drifting cars back in my country of Iraq, but here in Austria I found my passion with road bikes by starting work as a bike messenger. This sport combines everything I love together - racing and training at the same time, it's the ultimate sport.


I'm helping with Tour durch Wien because i think it is a brilliant idea with a bright future and to be part of it is a great opportunity and honor for me. My full time job is in Gastronomie but my life is all about bikes. I am glad to help with the social media management for the event as it plays to my strength, so I'm happy I can contribute to the growth of TdW. 

TdW Volunteers

Stephanie Schnorr

Promotions + Test Riding


Claudia Oster



David Pasek

Artwork / Tretroller Promotions


Marcel Turobin-Ort

IT Expert / App development